Work in progress

So lied and I gave up on the bunny it's just too small and right now it has a lot of parts that need to go together and I need to work on that. Anyways I decided to stick with the whole toy theme since I have about 5 family members/ friends that are expecting within the next year. I am getting a head start on baby gifts, so I won't have to worry about it later. Which means thats most of my next projects will probably be baby themed. Yay... Not... Kinda... Idk... Babies are cute? 

Anyways I found a pattern called Mr.Dinosaur, and here is a link to it. 

This one is a lot bigger and meatier than the bunny and I really like Dinosaurs. I am about half way done 
I used a random grey yarn that I bought for $1 at a thrift store in North Carolina. I bought it about a year ago when I was on vacation. The money went to a battered women's shelter so I couldn't pass up cheap yarn and helping out a very worthy  cause.

I have completely finished the body and put eyes on and all that good stuff. Next I have to make the feet and the ridge plates for his back and he will be done! Any tips for seaming on animal parts would be appreciated. I am at a total loss  on how to go about it, but I guess that's what youTube is for. 

Well today always starts a new home stand. So, that next seven days I will be working from about 10AM to 10PM. It is our second to last home stand for the season and, I am so sad our season is almost done. I have met some wonderful people. I can't lie I think I work at the best ball field in the south. Still working on what I am going to do with my life once the season is over. Hopefully I'll have something figured out by next month. 


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