Year in Review

I created this blog several years ago as a way to share the projects and patterns that I make. Patterns that I test and review. Patterns that I make on the fly for other people to try, and miscellaneous craft projects as they pop up.

As I take a look back at the year, I realized that while I lacked projects I made up for it in other areas. I have been working on the same cross stitch baby blanket for two years, and I think I have made some good progress. Hopefully one day soon it will make a great baby gift for someone. I also attempted to learn punch needle and kinda failed. We will revisit that in the future post, along with a second attempt.

Also, I got engaged in June and married in October. I think that might have taken more time and effort than I originally thought.

This year one of my goals will be to make memories and a few projects.  


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